Taj Pharma India

Welcome to the Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited India site. We would like to give you an overview of Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited in India: our background, organization, products, core belief and prospects.

We at Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited India are committed to our customers and employees and, more importantly, to the people who rely on our medicines. We plan to move forward with greater vigour and a clearer vision to put each and every individual at the heart of our commitment, working for healthier India – health. With the creation of Taj Pharmaceuticals Limited, we now have access to one of the richest and most innovative research pipelines in the pharmaceutical industry. We’re building on our history of hard work, diligence and success, by working tirelessly to enhance the value we are committed to provide towards improving health and the quality of lives across the world.

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Quality has always been a strong part of Taj Pharmaceuticals proposition. Care is taken to ensure a high level of quality in our products and services.

  • Life – It is the underlying purpose of everything we do at Taj pharmaceuticals Ltd.
  • We are committed to developing a distinguished branded pharmaceuticals business.
  • A purpose that defines our R & D strategy of discovering & developing innovative products that improve the quality of life.
  • we are one of the fast growing company in India & abroad.
  • We manufacture various types of medicines that includes-: Diabetic care products, Insulin, Delivery system, Growth hormones, Food and Nutraceuticals, All types of Surgical equipments & Life Saving drugs.

Addtional Features

Taj Pharma is one of the largest generic pharmaceutical company in India. We hold top positions in different established markets worldwide and are building a strong presence in many emerging generics markets. You can contact Taj Pharma India’s business by telephone on + 91 022-2637-4592, if you have an enquiry about the company, our healthcare business, or one of our medicines.

Gallery of Taj Pharma Brands

Taj Pharma is one of the leading generic pharmaceutical company in India. We hold top positions in different established markets and gradually building a strong presence in many emerging generics markets. We have eight manufacturing sites under flagship in India to support our market standing.

  • abiraterone-acetate-tablets-250mg-abirataj-taj-pharma
  • gallery-1-enoxaparin-sodium-injection-ip-20-40-60-80mg-low-molwcular-weight-heparin-venoxtaj-taj-pharma
  • gallery-2-deferasirox-dispersible-tablets-500mg-1000mg-defrataj-taj-pharma
  • gallery-3-tacrolimus-capsules-ip-1mg-tacrotaj-taj-pharma
  • gallery-5-cefoperazone-and-sulbactam-for-injecton-cefozone-fort-1mg-2mg-taj-pharma
  • gallery-4-merokem-injection-ip-merokem-iv-1mg-taj-pharma